Εκ μέρους του Οργανισμού, του Δ.Σ., των ασθενών και των φροντιστών και των μελών του Συλλόγου, Θερμές Ευχές για την Νέα Χρονιά!!!
Regards with H💙️PE for a Cure for the Rare Disease of Pulmonary Hypertension (P.H.),
Hellenic Community for P.H.
🔷 Pulmonary Hypertension Representatives for Greek and Cypriot Citizens Worldwide
Owner of Pongo* www.hellenicph.org Based in Greece 🔷
🏡 Head Office
P.H. Patients and Caregivers Guest House: 35 Mytilinis Str, 112 56 Kipseli, Athens Greece
Tel: 0030 211 0131542 & 0030 215 5305523 Fax: 0030 211 0131543 CEO Mobile: 0030 6982 680000
Pongo* Is the Rare Purple Elephant, the official ambassador of Hellenic P.H. Community. It is an awarded story that has been published in Greek, in English and Bulgarian